
Halide Perovskite Days (JPH for Journées Perovskites Halogénées in French) have become one of the reference events in the French and worldwide community on halide perovskites.

Designed by and for the entire research authority (from students to engineers, researchers to lab technicians, from academia and industry) this conference is built around tutorial and invited speakers (see Invited talks) delivering key note talks and oral presentations and posters with fresh results coming directly from the labs (see Program).

Since 2015, each edition has gathered around 100 specialists on various halide perovskite-related topics such as: synthesis of new materials, thin film processing, fundamentals properties, integration to devices (like sensors or solar cells, amongst others…) and the involved physics, …

After Cachan, Rennes, Angers, Grenoble, Limoges, Palaiseau and Lyon, the JPH are coming this year to the Basque coast, in Biarritz, from May 31st to June 2nd 2023.

The conference will be held in the resort village Le Domaine de Françon in Biarritz (see Map for all access info). Attendees will be hosted with full board with a room (single or double) for Wednesday May 31st and Thursday June 1st nights and meals (breakfasts, lunches and dinners) from Wednesday May 31st lunch to Friday June 2nd lunch. A welcome aperitive will be offered on Wednesday May 31st during the poster session and a gala dinner will take place on Thursday June 1st.

All registration-related information can be found under Registration tab.

To submit your abstract, you must create a sciencesconf account then log onto it or log on your existing account if you have one (everything happens at the top right corner of the website). Then go to "New submission" and follow the 4-step procedure (you'll have to download the template in .docx). Reminder, the topics are a) theory and fundamental properties, b) spectroscopy and characterization and c) devices. Abstracts can be written in French or English.




This 8th edition, organized by IMS and ISM laboratories, is supported by the research conglomerate (GDR for Groupement de recherche in French) HPERO, the French national center for research CNRSBordeaux INP, MBRAUN, Semilab, the Post-petroleum materials GPR and the Federation for photovoltaics research (FedPV).


sponsors JPH 2023


Looking forward to have you all in Biarritz, should you have any question don't hesitate to contact us jph2023@sciencesconf.org, see you soon!



Thanks to all JPH 2023 attendees!

JPH 2023 family picture

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